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Min, Chul Hee
▸ Office : 421, Baekwoon Hall, Yonsei University, 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon-do, 26493, Republic of Korea
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Yoon Soo Chung, Hyung-Joo, Chul Hee Min, Yong Hyun Chung, “Radiation damage evaluation of YSECT v.2 for spent nuclear fuel inspection in wet storage facility”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2024)
Hyung-Joo Choi, Yoon Soo Chung, Hojik Kim, Sung-Woo Kwak, Heejun Chung, Hee-Kyun Baek, Jung-ki Shin, Yong Hyun Chung, Chul Hee Min, “Performance evaluation of Yonsei Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography (YSECT) for partial-defect inspection within PWR-type spent nuclear fuel”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2024)
Hyung-Joo Choi, Jaewon Jeong, Hakjae Lee, Seong Gon Kim, Jae Joon Ahn, Hyun Cheol Lee, Chul Hee Min, “Image reconstruction method of gamma emission tomography based on prior-aware information and machine learning for partial-defect detection of PWR-type spent nuclear fuel”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2024)
Soo Min Lee, Chansoo Choi, Ji Won Choi, Chul Hee Min, Seulki Ko, Bangho Shin, Chan Hyeong Kim, Yeon Soo Yeom, “Implication of ICRP pediatric reference voxel phantoms on dose assessment of patients in radioiodine therapy”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2024)
Hyung-Joo Choi, Hyojun Park, Bo-Wi Cheon, Hyun Joon Choi, Hakjae Lee, Yong Hyun Chung, Chul Hee Min, “Feasibility study of spent fuel internal tomography (SFIT) for partial defect detection within PWR spent nuclear fuel”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2024)
Bo-Wi Cheon, Chul Hee Min, “Prompt gamma imaging system in particle therapy: a mini-review”, Frontiers in Physics (2024)
Hyung-Joo Choi, Hyojun Park, Bo-Wi Cheon, Kyunghoon Cho, Hakjae Lee, Yong Hyun Chung, Yeon Soo Yeom, Sei Hwan You, Hyun Joon Choi, Chul Hee Min, “Optimization of Yonsei Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (YSECT) Detector for Fast Inspection of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Water Storage”, Journal of Radiation Protection and Research (2024)
Soo Min Lee, Chansoo Choi, Bangho Shin, Yumi Lee, Ji Won Choi, Bo-Wi Cheon, Chul Hee Min, Beom Sun Chung, Hyun Joon Choi, Yeon Soo Yeom, “Implementation of Visible monkey into general-purpose Monte Carlo codes: MCNP, PHITS, and Geant4”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2023)
Hyun Cheol Lee, Bon Tack Koo, Ju Young Jeon, Bo-Wi Cheon, Do Hyeon Yoo, Heejun Chung, and Chul Hee Min, “Radionuclide identification based on energy-weighted algorithm and machine learning applied to a multi-array plastic scintillator”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2023)
Saerom Sung, Minjae Lee, Hyung-joo Choi, Hyojun Park, Bo-Wi Cheon, Chul Hee Min, Yeon Soo Yeom, Hyemi Kim, Sei Hwan You, Hyun Joon Choi, “Feasibility of internal-source tracking with C-arm CT/SPECT imaging with limited-angle projection data for online in vivo dose verification in brachytherapy: A Monte Carlo simulation study”, Brachytherapy (2023)
Bo-Wi Cheon, Hyun Cheol Lee, Sei Hwan You, Hee Seo, Chul Hee Min, Hyun Joon Choi, “Experiment of proof-of-principle on prompt gamma-positron emission tomography (PG-PET) system for in-vivo dose distribution verification in proton therapy”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2023)
Minjae Lee, Hunwoo Lee, Saerom Seong, Hyemi Kim, Chul Hee Min, Hyun Joon Choi, Hyosung Cho, “Preliminary study of integrated C-arm CT/SPECT imaging system for online adaptive 3D brachytherapy using Monte Carlo simulation”, Journal of Instrumentation (2023)
Hoyeon Lee, Bo-Wi Cheon, Joseph W Feld, Kira Grogg, Joseph Perl, José A Ramos-Méndez, Bruce Faddegon, Chul Hee Min, Harald Paganetti, Jan Schuemann, “TOPAS-imaging: extensions to the TOPAS simulation toolkit for medical imaging systems”, Physics in Medicine & Biology (2023)
Hyemi Kim, Minjae Lee, Hyosung Cho, Chul Hee Min, Hyun Joon Choi, “Tomographic image reconstruction techniques for accurate spent fuel assembly verification”, Journal of Instrumentation (2023)
Hyojun Park, Hyung-Joo Choi, Hyun Joon Choi, Yoon Soo Chung, Hyun Chul Lee, Chul Hee Min, “Evaluation of functional loss to radiation detector in tomographic device for spent-fuel inspection by high-energy photons and neutrons: A preliminary study”, Annals of Nuclear Energy (2023)
Se Hyung Lee, Bo-Wi Cheon, Chul Hee Min, Haegin Han, Chan Hyeong Kim, Min Cheol Han, Seonghoon Kim, “TET2DICOM-GUI: Graphical User Interface Based TET2DICOM Program to Convert Tetrahedral-MeshPhantom to DICOM-RT Datas”, Progress in Medical Physics (2022)
Saerom Seong, Sei Hwan Choi, Jae Joon Ahn, Hyung-joo Choi, Yong Hyun Chung, Sei Hwan You, Yeon Soo Yeom, Hyun Joon Choi, Chul Hee Min, “Preliminary study of artificial intelligence-based fuel-rod pattern analysis of low-quality tomographic image of fuel assembly”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2022)
Min Kyu Baek, Hyun Joon Choi, Kyu Bom Kim, Jae Joon Ahn, Chul Hee Min, Yong Hyun Chung, “Preliminary results of a single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) detector for inspection of spent fuel assembly”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 197 (2022)
Bo-Wi Cheon, Se Hyung Lee, Min Cheol Han, Chul Hee Min, Haegin Han, Chan Hyeong Kim, Jin Sung Kim, “Development of a novel program for conversion from tetrahedral-mesh-based phantoms to DICOM dataset for radiation treatment planning: TET2DICOM, Medical Physics (2021)
Hyojun Park, Harald Paganetti, Jan Schuemann, Xun Jia, and Chul Hee Min, “Monte Carlo methods for device simulations in radiation therapy”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66 (2021)
Chankyu kim, Yeon-Joo Kim, Nuri Lee, Sang Hee Ahn, Kwang Hyeon Kim, Haksoo Kim, Dongho Shin, Young Kyung Lim, Jong Hwi Jeong, Dae Yong Kim, Wook-Geun Shin, Chul Hee Min, and Se Byeong Lee, “Evaluation of the dosimetric effect of scattered protons in clinical practice in passive scattering proton therapy”, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (2021)
Bo-Wi Cheon, Do-Hyeon Yoo, Huojun Park, Hyun Cheol Lee, Wook-geun Shin, Hyun-Joon Choi, Bong Hwan Hong, Heejun Chung, and Chul Hee Min, “Optimization of Target, Moderator, and Collimator in the Accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy System: A Monte Carlo Study”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2021)
Hyun Cheol Lee, Bon Tack Koo, Chang Il Choi, Chang Su Park, Jeongwan Kwon, Hong-Suk Kim, Heejun Chung, and Chul Hee Min, “Evaluation of Source Identification Method Based on Energy-Weighting Level with Portal Monitoring System Using Plastic Scintillator”, Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 45: 117-129 (2020)
Bon Tack Koo, Hyun Cheol Lee, Kihum Bae, Youngkwon Kim, Jinhun Jung, Chang Su Park, Hong-Suk Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Development of a Radionuclide Identification Algorithm Based on a Convolutional Neural Network for a Radiation Portal Monitoring System”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 180: 109300 (2020)
Se Hwan Choi, Hyun Joon Choi, Chul Hee Min, Young Hyun Chung, and Jae Joon Ahn, “Development of de-noised image reconstruction technique using Convolutional AutoEncoder for fast monitoring of fuel assemblies”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2020)
Hyun Cheol Lee, Hyun Joon Choi, Bon Tack Koo, Chang-Il Choi, Chang Su Park, Hong-Suk Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Dynamic radionuclide identification using energy weighted algorithm with commercialized radiation portal monitor based on plastic scintillators”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 170: 108645 (2020)
Hyun Joon Choi, Ji Won jang, Wook-Geun Shin, Hyojun Park, Sebastien Incerti, and Chul Hee Min, “Development of integrated prompt gamma imaging and positron emission tomography system for in vivo 3-D dose verification: a Monte Carlo study”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65: 105005 (2020)
Hyun Cheol Lee, Wook-geun Shin, Hyun Joon Choi, Chang-Il Choi, Chang Su Park, Hong-Suk Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Radioisotope Identification Using an Energy-Weighted Algorithm with a Proof-of-principle Radiation Portal Monitor Based on Plastic Scintillators”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 156: 109010 (2020)
Hyun Cheol Lee, Hyun Joon Choi, Bon Tack Koo, Chang-Il Choi, Chang Su Park, Hong-Suk Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Dynamic radionuclide identification using energy weighted algorithm with commercialized radiation portal monitor based on plastic scintillators”(2019)
Hyun Joon Choi, Hyojun Park, Chul Young Yi, Byoung?Chul Kim, Wook?Geun Shin, and Chul Hee Min, “Determining the energy spectrum of clinical linear accelerator using an optimized photon beam transmission protocol”, Medical physics, 46(7): 3285-3297 (2019)
H.J. Choi, I.S. Kang, K.B. Kim, Y.H. Chung and C.H. Min, “Optimization of single-photon emission computed tomography system for fast verification of spent fuel assembly: a Monte Carlo study”, Journal of Instrumentation, 14(7): T07002 (2019)
Hyojun Park, Hyun Joon Choi, Jung-In Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Monte Carlo simulation of a two-dimensional dynamic multileaf collimator to improve the plan quality in radiotherapy plan: A proof-of-concept study”, Physics in Medicine and Biology (2019)
Hyojun Park, Hyun Joon Choi, Keunho Rhew, Heonsang Lim, Hyunyoung Lee, Iloh Jang, and Chul Hee Min, “Development of accurate dose evaluation technique of X-ray inspection for quality assurance of semiconductor with Monte Carlo simulation”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 154: 108851 (2019)
Bo-Wi Cheon, Do-Hyeon Yoo, Wook-Geun Shin, Hyun-Joon Choi, Hyo-Jun Park, Jung-In Kim and Chul Hee Min, “Development of advanced skin dose evaluation technique using a tetrahedral-mesh phantom in external beam radiotherapy: a Monte Carlo simulation study”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(16): 165005 (2019)
Bon Tack Koo, Hyun Cheol Lee, Wook-Geun Shin, Hyo-jun Park, and Chul Hee Min , “Feasibility Study for Radionuclide Identification using Multi-Array Plastic Scintillator and Energy Weighted Algorithm of Radiation Portal Monitors: A Monte Carlo Study”, Journal of Instrumentation, 14(12): P12015 (2019)
Do Hyeon Yoo, Hyo-Joon Park, and Chul Hee Min, “Evaluation of the annual effective dose due to the external irradiation induced by using NORM added consumer products”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 154: 108860 (2019)
W.-G. Shin, M.-C. Bordage, D. Emfietzoglou, I. Kyriakou, D. Sakata, C. H. Min, S. B. Lee, S. Guatelli, and S. Incerti, “Development of a new Geant4-DNA electron elastic scattering model for liquid-phase water using the ELSEPA code”, Journal of Applied Physics, 124(22): 224901 (2018)
Hyun Joon Choi , Hyojun Park , Wook-Geun Shin , Jung-in Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Development of a Geant4-based independent patient dose validation system with an elaborate multileaf collimator simulation model”, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 20(2):94-106 (2018),
Jae Pil Chung, Young Min Seong, Tae Yeon Kim, Yona Choi, Tae Hoon Kim, Hyun Joon Choi, Chul Hee Min, Hamza Benmakhlouf, Kook Jin Chun and Hyun-Tai Chung, “Development of a PMMA phantom as a practical alternative for quiality control of gamma knife® dosimetry”, Radiaiton Oncology, 13:176-184 (2018)
S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, M. A. Bernal, M. C. Bordage, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, V. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, N. Lampe, S. B. Lee, S. Meylan, C. H. Min, W. G. Shin, P. Nieminen, D. Sakata, N. Tang, C. Villagrasa, H. N. Tran, J. M. C. Brown, “Geant4-DNA Example Applications for Track Structure Simulations in Liquid Water: A report from the Geant4-DNA Project”, Medical Physics, 45(8): e722-e739 (2018)
Hyun Joon Choi, Hyun-Tai Chung, Jason W. Sohn, and Chul Hee Min, “Independent Dose Validation System for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, Using a DICOM-RT Interface and Geant4”, Physica Medica, 51: 117-124 (2018)
Hyojun Park, Hyun Joon Choi, Jung-In Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Analysis of Dose Distribution According to the Initial Electron Beam of the Linear Accelerator: A Monte Carlo study”, Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 43(1): 10-19, (2018)
Do Hyeon Yoo, Jaekook Lee, and Chul Hee Min, “Effective Dose Calculation Program (EDCP) for the Usage of NORM-added Consumer Product”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 139: 1-6 (2018)
Do Hyeon Yoo, Wook-Geun Shin, Jaekook Lee, Yeon Soo Yeom, Chan Hyeong Kim, Byung-Uck Chang, and Chul Hee Min, “Development of an Effective Dose Coefficient Database Using a Computational Human Phantom and Monte Carlo Simulations to Evaluate Exposure Dose for the Usage of NORM-Added Consumer Products”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 129: 42-48 (2017)
Wook-Geun Shin, Mauro Testa, Hak Soo Kim, Jong Hwi Jeong, Se Byeong Lee, Yeon-Joo Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “Independent Dose Verification System with Monte Carlo Simulations Using TOPAS for Passive Scattering Proton Therapy at the National Cancer Center in Korea”, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 62 (2017)
Jongmin Cho, Kira Grogg, Chul Hee Min, Xuping Zhu, Harald Paganetti, Hyun Cheol Lee, and Georges El Fakhri, “Feasibility Study of Using Fall-Off Gradients of Early and Late PET Scans for Proton Range Verification”, Medical Physics, 45(5): 1734-1746 (2017)
Do Hyeon Yoo, Wook-Geun Shin, Hyun Cheol Lee, Hyun Joon Choi, Testa Mauro, Jae Kook Lee, Yeon Soo Yeom, Chan Hyeong Kim, and Chul Hee Min, “An Effective Dose Assessment Technique with NORM Added Consumer Products Using Skin-Point Source on Computational Human Phantom”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 118: 56-61 (2016)
Hyun Cheol Lee, Do Hyeon Yoo, Testa Mauro, Wook-Geun Shin, Hyun Joon Choi, Wi-Ho Ha, Jaeryong Yoo, SeokWon Yoon, and Chul Hee Min, “Effetive Dose Evaluation of NORM-Added Consumer Products Using Monte Carlo Simulations and the ICRP Computational Human Phantoms”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 110: 230-235 (2016)
Hyun Joon Choi, Hyo Jun Park, Do Hyeon Yoo, Byoung-Chul Kim, Chul-Young Yi, and Chul Hee Min, “Development of Unfolding Energy Spectrum with Clinical Iinear Accelerator based on Transmission Data”, journal of the Korean Association for Radiation Protection, 41: 41-48 (2016)
H. ?C. Lee, W. ?G. Shin, H. ?J. Park, D. ?H. Yoo, C. ?I. Choi, C. -S. Park, H. ?S. Kim, and C. H. Min, “Validation of Energy-Weighted Algorithm for Radiation Portal Monitor Using Plastic Scintillator”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 107: 160-164 (2016)
Schumann J., Giantsoudi D., Grassberger C., Moteabbed M., Chul Hee Min, Paganetti H., “Assessing the Clinical Impact of Approximations in Analytical Dose Calculations for Proton Therapy”, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 92: 1157-1164 (2015)
W. ?G. Shin, H. ?C. Lee, C. ?I. Choi, C. -S. Park, H. ?S. Kim, and C. H. Min, “A Monte Carlo Study of an Energy-Weighted Algorithm for Radionuclide Analysis with a Plastic Scintillation Detector”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 101: 53-59 (2015)
Wook-Geun Shin, Chul Hee Min, Jae Ik Shin, Jong Hwi Jeong, , and Se Byeong Lee, “A Monte Carlo Study of the Relationship Between the Time Structures of Prompt Gammas and the in vivo Radiation Dose in Proton Therapy”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 67: 248-253 (2015)
Grogg Kira, Alpert Nathaniel, Zhu Zuping, Chul Hee Min, Testa Mauro, Winey Brian, Normandin Marc D., Shih Helen A., Paganetti Harald, Bortfeld Thomas, and El Fakhri Georges, “Mapping O-15 Production Rate for Proton Therapy Verification”, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology, 92: 453-459 (2015)
Chul Hee Min, Xuping Zhu, Kira Grogg, Georges El Fakhri, Brian Winey, and Harald Paganetti, “A Recommendation on How to Analyze in-room PET for in vivo Proton Range Verification Using a Distal PET Surface Method”, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, (2015)
Do Hyeon Yoo, Hyun Chul Lee, Wook-Geun Shin,Wi-Ho Ha, Jae Ryong Yoo, Seok-Won Yoon, Jiyon Lee, Won-Chul Choi and C. H. Min, “Feasibility Study for the Assesment of the Exposed Dose with TENORM Added in Consumer Products”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 167: 255-259 (2015)
Do Hyeon Yoo, Hyun Cheol Lee, Wook-Geun Shin, Hyun Joon Choi, and Chul Hee Min, “Characteristic Evaluation of Exposed Dose with NORM added Consumer Product based on ICRP Reference Phantom”, journal of the Korean Association for Radiation Protection, 39(4): 159-167 (2014)
Chul Hee Min, Harald Paganetti, Brian A. Winey, Judith Adams, Shannon M. MacDonald, Nancy J. Tarbell, Torunn I. Yock, “Evaluation of Permanent Alopecia in Pediatric Medulloblastoma Patients Treated with Proton Radiation”, Radiation Oncology, 9:220-225 (2014)
K. Frey, D. Unholtz, J. Bauer, J. Debus, C.H. Min, T. Bortfeld, H. Paganetti, and K. Parodi, “Automation and Uncertainty Analysis of a Method for in-vivo Range Verification in Particle Therapy”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59:5903-5919 (2014)
Mauro Testa, Chul Hee Min, Joost M. Verburg, Jan Schumann, Hsiao-Ming Lu, and Harald Paganetti, “Range Verification of Passively Scattered Proton Beams Based on Prompt Gamma Time Patterns”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59:4181-4195 (2014)
J. Schuemann, S. Dowdell, C. Grassberger, C.H. Min, and H. Paganetti, “Site-Specific Range Uncertainties Caused by Dose Calculation Algorithms for Proton Therapy”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59:4007-4031 (2014)
Mauro Testa, Joost M. Verburg, Mark Rose, Chul Hee Min, Shikui Tang, El Hassane Bentefour, Harald Paganetti and Hsiao-Ming Lu, “Proton Radiography and Proton Computed Tomography Based on Time-Resolved Dose Measurements,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58:8214-8233 (2013)
K. Grogg, X. Zhu, C.H. Min, B. Winey, T. Bortfeld, H. Paganetti, H. Shih, G. El Fakhri, “Feasibility of Using Distal Endpoints for In-room PET Range Verification of Proton Therapy,” IEEE transaction on NSS/MIC, M22-23:3890-3894 (2013)
Jongmin Cho*, Geoffrey Ibbott, Michael Gillin, Carlos Gonzalez-Lepera, Chul Hee Min, Xuping Zhu, Georges El Fakhri, Harald Paganetti, Osama Mawlawi, “Determination of Elemental Tissue Composition Following Proton Treatment Using Positron Emission Tomography,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58(11):3815-3835 (2013)
C. H. Min, X. Zhu, B. Winey, K, Grogg, M. Testa, G. El Fakhri, T. Bortfeld, H. Paganetti, and H. Shih, “Clinical Application of in-room PET for in vivo Treatment Monitoring in Proton Radiotherapy,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. (SCI, IF 4.105), 86(1):183-189 (2013)
H. R. Lee, J. H. Park, C. H. Kim, and C. H. Min, “Design Optimization of a 2D Prompt Gamma Measurement System for Proton Dose Verification” J. Korean Phys. Soc. (SCI, IF 0.476), 61(2): 239-242 (2012)
C. H. Min, H. R. Lee, S. B. Lee, and C. H. Kim*, "Development of Array-Type Prompt Gamma Measurement System for in vivo Range Verification in Proton Therapy," Med. Phys. (SCI, IF 2.83), 39(4):2100-2107 (2012)
C. H. Min, H. R. Lee, and C. H. Kim*, " Two-dimensional Prompt Gamma Measurement Simulation for in vivo Dose Verification in Proton Therapy: A Monte Carlo Study," Nucl. Technol. (SCI, IF .0662), 175(1):11-15 (2011)
J. G. Park, C. H. Kim*, C. H. Min, J. H. Jeong, J. B. Kim, J. H. Moon and S. H. Jung, "Experimental Test of Double-Layer Method for Industrial SPECT", Nucl. Technol. (SCI, IF 0.662), 175(1):113-117 (2011)
C. H. Min, H. R. Lee, Y. S. Yeom, S. cho, and C. H. Kim*, "Determination of the Distal Dose Edge in the Human Voxel Model by Measuring the Prompt Gamma Distribution: A Monte Carlo Study," J. Korean Phys. Soc. (SCI, IF 0.476), 56(6):2059-2062 (2010)
C. H. Min, J. G. Park, and C. H. Kim*, "Preliminary Study for Determination of Distal Dose Edge by Measuring 90-Deg Prompt Gammas with an Array-type Prompt Gamma Detection System," Nucl. Technol. (SCI, IF 0.622), 168(1):89-92 (2009)
S. H. Kim*, H. Huh, S. H. Choi, C. H. Kim, C. H. Min, D. O. Shin, and J. Choi, "Chamber to Chamber Variations of a Cylindrical Ionization Chamber for the Calibration of an 192Ir Brachytherapy Source Based on an Absorbed Dose to Water Standards," Korean J. Med. phys., 20(1):7-13 (2009)
C. H. Min, J. G. Park, S. H. An, and C. H. Kim*, "Determination of Optimal Energy Window for Measurement of Prompt Gammas from Proton Beam by Monte Carlo Simulations," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. (SCI, IF 0.628), S5:28-31 (2008)
C. H. Min, J. G. Park, and C. H. Kim*, "Development of an Array-type Prompt Gamma Detection System for the Online Measurement of the Range of the Proton Beam in a Patient: A Monte Carlo Feasibility Study," J. Korean Phys. Soc. (SCI, IF 0.446), 52(3):888-891 (2008)
C. H. Min, J. W. Kim, M. Y. Youn, and C. H. Kim*, "Determination of Distal Dose Edge Location by Measuring Right-angled Prompt Gamma-rays from a 38 MeV Proton Beam," Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A (SCI, IF 1.114), 580:562-565 (2007)
C. H. Kim, C. H. Min, K. S. Seo, and J. W Kim*, "Simulations Studies on the Correlation of Distal Dose Falloff of a 70-MeV Proton Beam with Prompt Gamma Distribution," J. Korean Phys. Soc. (SCI, IF 1.204), 50(5):1510-1513 (2007)
C. H. Min, C. H. Kim, M. Y. Youn, and J. W. Kim*, "Prompt Gamma Measurements for Locating the Dose Fall-off Region in the Proton Therapy," Applied Physics Letters (SCI, IF 3.977), 89:183517 (3 pages) (2006)
S. H. Choi, C. H. Min, S. H. An, C. Lee, S. H. Na, and C. H. Kim*, "Preliminary Study on the Effect of Organ Size in Organ Dose Calculation," J. Radiat. Prot. Bulletin, 25:133-135 (2005)
C. H. Min, S. H. Kim, D. O. Shin, and C. H. Kim*, "A Preliminary Study on the Calculation of TG-51 Beam Quality Correction Factor for Low-energy Electron Beams," Japanese Journal of Medical Physics, 25S(3-1): 81-83 (2005)
Monte Carlo Simulation
Radiation Therapy
Radiation Protection
Computational Human Phantom
Nuclear Safety
Radiation Safety
429, Baekwoon Hall, Yonsei University Mirae Campus
1, Yeonsedae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea